Go WebGuide | Human-Edited deep link directory- Business & Economy > Intellectual Property http://gowebguide.com/Business_and_Economy/Intellectual_Property/Go WebGuide | Human-Edited deep link directory InnovaSafe Technology Escrowhttp://gowebguide.com/detail/innovasafe-technology-escrow-715.htmlTechnology protection services include source code and software escrow, intellectual property and technology escrow, SEC compliance, title 17 protection, and technical verification services.Sat, 20 Dec 2008 01:52:48 GMTPatent Agent Torontohttp://gowebguide.com/detail/patent-agent-toronto-9014.htmla business and intellectual property law firm providing a range of corporate and commercial services to support companies involved in the development, distribution and use of technology and intellectual property assets.Sun, 17 Jan 2010 09:33:07 GMT