Go WebGuide | Human-Edited deep link directory- Health > Long Term Care http://gowebguide.com/Health/Long_Term_Care/Go WebGuide | Human-Edited deep link directory Nursing health carehttp://gowebguide.com/detail/nursing-health-care-2934.htmlBarchester Ireland is introducing a better quality of care home and options for retirement living to Ireland. We provide residential care home with exceptional nursing care to houses and apartments for independent living.Sun, 22 Feb 2009 12:22:21 GMTFind a Nursing Homehttp://gowebguide.com/detail/find-a-nursing-home-7298.htmlFind-a-nursinghome (FAN) has been designed to work with the clients individual need and guide through the process of finding a care home in the UK. The website displays information on care homes, search by county, postcode or town.Wed, 09 Dec 2009 09:01:07 GMT