Treaure Island follows the adventures of young Jim Hawkins who sails the seas with Long John Silver in a quest to find buried treasure. Based on the classic Robert Louis Stevenson novel this musical will appeal to lovers of the Pirates of the Caribbean. Made for a large band of buccaneers this musical delivers with great songs and memorable characters. The treasure island musical script is available to download for free and can be modified to suit your cast.
Grab plenty of pirates and pack an eye patch for this swashbuckling show.
We believe in encouraging and supporting our dance students at every phase of their dance development. We help our dance students to achieve their dance goals at their own pace, and we teach all of our dance classes in a style that is clear, supportive, and fun. We love to dance, and we love to teach.
Personal profile of a Cheshire based harpist who performs on the harp at weddings and private events throughout the north west of England. Site includes a biography, photographs, a sample repertoire list and a video of the harpist playing her harp.