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If you are thinking of psychotherapy, you probably want to feel better and to address problems with your relationships, your work, or elsewhere in your life. I can help you with experienced, compassionate, results-oriented psychotherapy. Depression, anxiety, relationship and work issues, attentional and focus problems, and recovery from trauma are among the issues that we can productively address.
Therapy needs to fit you, rather than you having to fit the type of therapy. Some of the methods available for you here are EMDR, cognitive behavioral therapy, neurofeedback, stress reduction training, and developmental psychology; but the most important thing is that the therapy be a fit for you. When that happens, results follow.
Expect to be treated with warmth, respect and compassion. Therapy should be a partnership: You bring your desire for change and willingness to work; and I'll bring my experience, skills and understanding developed during more than 20 years as a therapist. Together we can produce the changes you are looking for.
A New Day Rehab is a leading alcohol treatment center in Singer Island Florida that Provide most effective and high quality drug and alcohol rehabilitation treatments and alcohol rehab programs.
New York Neurofeedback and state of the art technology can help you powerfully and easily create changes in your life. Because neurofeedback trains your brain -- the "captain of the ship" -- to function at its best, it can increase your focus and productivity, improve sleep, and reduce depression, anxiety, anger, addictive behaviors, and cognititve losses due to aging or injury.
The NeurOptimal system used at New York Neurofeedback is effective and safe in how it brings about these kinds of change. This system takes advantage of the powerful ability of the central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord) to take in information and use it to reorganize itself. Because change happens at the pace and in the order that is right for you, it is virtually side effect free. Most people begin to experience change in one to five sessions.
New York Neurofeedback is located on Manhattan's Upper West Side.
Spiral2grow is a leading organization in New York City that provides cutting-edge Coaching, Psychotherapy and Group Counseling, Relationship Workshops and a range of Organizational Development (OD) programs.
Inclusive Recovery is a private addiction treatment center located in the Treasure Valley and the surrounding mountain ranges.We offer a drug rehab program, an alcohol rehab program,and residential gambling addiction treatment, as well as addiction intervention.