PR: 4
| Texas Electricity Bid http://www.electricitybid.com This is a Texas electricity consumer site that compares residential and commercial electric rates and companies. A Texas energy consultant is available to answer questions about electric usage, energy bills and to help compare TXU and Reliant electricity statements with a customers preferred provider. |
| Urja Techniques India http://www.urjatransformers.com/index1.html URJA is managed by a group of technocrats having vast and varied experience in transformer design, development, production, quality control and servicing. Its modern manufacturing plant with state-of-the-art manufacturing and testing facilities as per IS, IEC & ANSI standards, accredited to ISO-9001:2000 by Moody International for design, manufacture, marketing and after sales service, believing in producing energy efficient products. |
PR: 5
| Water Resources Company: Energy Recovery Inc. http://www.energyrecovery.com Water Resources company ERI, promotes Energy Recovery using the PX Technology for Seawater Desalination |
PR: 3
| Western Pacific Solar http://www.westernpacificsolar.com Do you want to take advantage of affordable solar power for your home or business? Western Pacific Solar is in Santa Rosa, Petaluma and Sonoma County. |