PR: 3
| Medicare Supplement Insurance http://www.lowcostmedigap.com Medicare supplement insurance with the nations leading medicare supplement insurance providers. Get free quotes, compare plans, save time & money. |
PR: 3
| Oregon Retirement Community http://www.capitalmanor.com/ Capital Manor is a fully accredited Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC) & retirement home in Oregon. At our retirement center you will find the true meaning of independent living |
PR: 3
| V.I.P. Care Management, Inc. http://www.vipcaremanagement.com A geriatric care management company specializing in Elder Care Assessments, Nursing Home Placement, Medicaid Application and Asset Preservation. We also coordinate medical, home health and domestic services. We Assist with Veteran Pension Applications and Disability Pensions nationwide, Provide Medicaid Application Assistance throughout Florida and provide Nursing home placement and elder care assessments in South Florida. |
PR: 3
| Elderly Care Services http://www.specialtycareservices.com Specialty Care Services is a Licensed Nursing Care Provider offering the cost effective Health Care Assistance, Nursing Care Plans, Special Care Services and Elderly Home Care Services at your doorstep. |
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| Assisted Living | San Diego http://www.careplacement.com Get Free help from San Diego's largest source for finding assisted living facilities in San Diego and Orange County. We've helped over 100,000 people make an informed decision. |
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| Home Care Sonoma County http://www.sequoiaseniorsolutions.com/ Affordable in home care for elderly, seniors by trained caregivers for better quality of life. Sequoia senior solutions serving sonoma, napa, solano counties. |
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| Live in Care Specialists UK http://www.careathome.org Care at home provides 24 hour live in care for the elderly. The company has professional trained staff that are experienced in all forms of disability. Care at Home is registered with the UKHCA and regulated by the Commission for Social Care Inspection. |
PR: 2
| Senior Caregivers with Aging Parents http://www.senior-kaboodle.com/ This is an elder care site for boomers and seniors who are long-distance caregivers of their aging parents. We offer tips, ideas, solutions and a daily live telephone calling service to help boomers keep their aging parents out of the hospital. I am in my early 60’s and my mother is in her early 80’s and lives 1500 miles away. I have found the advice in this site very useful to help keep her healthy and independent. I wish I had the extra support of a live daily telephone calling service. |