PR: 4
| E-Learning Solutions - Irish Learning Alliance World class learning solutions by the ILA. |
PR: 2
| VIPInnovations - Professional Coaching VIP Innovations provides coaching services to businesses, executives, professionals and entrepreneurs. The purpose is to help develop people in companies to reach their full potential in a way which is healthy, balanced and life enhancing. |
| Team Building Company UK Team building activities in Europe. Professional team development, team building, Specialist conference activities, meeting exercises and event management. |
PR: 2
| Lotus Guidance for Empowering Change Lotus Guidance for Empowering Change is a center for empowering the process of change in individuals and groups, by means of life coaching, workshops for developing awareness, self-empowerment, NLP treatments, mediation and learning dialogue skills. |
PR: 3
| College degree online providing online degree from a wide choice of associate, bachelors degree, master degree and various degree programs from various online schools, online colleges, and online universities. |
PR: 3
| Management Training Founded in 1981 Spearhead Training designs and delievers training courses in Management, Sales and Marketing, PA and Office Support, Business Skills.and specialist FMCG training. |
PR: 7
| Adult Online Degree - Nontraditional Union Institute & University is a premier adult distance learning center offering nontraditional degree programs, adult online degrees, online bachelor's degrees and low residency degrees. |
PR: 2
| 80/20 Rule Posters India Management talk's 80 20 rule posters. 80 20 rule poster are based on 80 20 management formula. Poster show how to become true professional, effective and successful. Poster are available in India, USA and UK. In India shipping is free. |