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| Chartered Accountants Surrey and Croydon http://www.wcfltd.co.uk White Corfield & Fry Limited offers cost-effective, high value business startup & planning solutions and accounting services & tax preparation services in Surrey & Croydon. |
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| Tally Customization http://www.neusourceindia.com Neusource is pacing at a high growth rate and sees a bigger investment plans ahead. Although we wish to rely on internal resources but we also welcome for any Investment offer either linked with debt or equity |
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| Global Outsourcing India, Delhi, http://www.globaloutsourcingtoindia.com We offers quality services of outsourcing which incorporate the complete range of accounting & financial services. |
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| Time Tracking Systems http://www.northamptontimerecorders.co.uk/ Northampton Time Recorders Limited - Supplier of time recording systems, clocking machines, time and attendance systems, time recorders, biometric time clock, time recorder and time tracking systems in UK. |
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| Data Plan http://www.dataplanpayroll.co.uk/ Dataplan - Offering Payroll services, Payroll outsourcing and Payroll solutions to Payroll bureau's and Payroll Companies. Providing payroll services in-house with recruiting and retaining qualified staff is often expensive and outside the reach of many businesses. |
PR: 2
| Clifford Fry and Co http://www.cliffordfryandco.com Chartered Accountants and Registered Auditors in Salisbury, Wiltshire. Our current client base is wide ranging and includes individuals needing tax returns prepared, the self employed, owners of businesses both large and small, charities, franchises, large incorporated companies, as well as subsidiaries of overseas companies. |
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| Mobile Accountant Central Coast http://www.branderaccounting.com.au Brander Accounting are highly qualified accountants and registered tax agents providing mobile accounting andf taxation services on the Central Coast of NSW, Australia. |
| Internal Audit India http://www.astralconsultants.com/ Astral consulting Ltd is a leading provider of internal audit and auditing services in India. These auditing services can offer tailored solutions to meet distinct needs of our clients in India through our well-documented internal audit methodology. |