PR: 3
| Indian Astrology Reading http://www.omastrology.com Get Horoscope Consultation, Forecast, Report, Reading and Prediction based on your birth charts by our expert Indian Vedic Astrologers. |
| Role Leadership from God's Perspective http://www.roles-leaders.com Roles and sovereign power, God said, I command light to shine! And light started shining. Genesis 1:3 God made two powerful lights, the brighter one to rule the day and the other to rule the night. He also made the stars. Then God put these lights in the sky to shine on the earth, to rule day and night, and to separate light from darkness. |
PR: 4
| Naat http://www.tauheed-sunnat.com/ Tauheed-Sunnat is the website which provide its viewer Naats by Album, Naats by Naat Khuwan - Recitor, MP3 Naat, Video Naats, also providing Punjabi Naats, Bayans in English, Tilawat -e- Quran with Urdu Translation, Online Quran, MP3 Quran, Tafseer -e- Quran in Urdu, Tafseer -e- Quran in English, Lectures of Maulana Tariq Jameel also spelled as Molana Tariq Jamil. |
PR: 1
| Sermon Coach http://www.sermon-coach.com This website is designed to break the cycle of habitual last minute work and also to give even the most organized pastor a chance to consider various options regarding future sermons. |
PR: 4
| Jerusalem Prayer Team http://www.jerusalemprayerteam.org The mission of the Jerusalem Prayer Team: To guard, defend and protect the Jewish people, and the Eretz Yisrael until Israel is secure, and until the redeemer comes to Zion. The Jerusalem Prayer Team is a prayer movement of people around the world. |
PR: 4
| Church Supplies http://www.istok.net Istok Church Supplies is the leading and powerful Orthodox Christian church supplies megastore. We offer special prices and access level for wholesale customers who need quality church supplies. |
PR: 3
| Christian Stewardship http://www.csmin.org/ To equip Christians worldwide to apply biblical principles of life and time management and personal organization; Visit Csmin.org |
PR: 2
| Gospel Mysteries Website http://www.gospel-mysteries.net This author of this website tries to answer some common questions about the life of Jesus. Why did Judas betray him? Why did the Romans decide to crucify him? And why did his disciples believe that he returned to life two days later? |