PR: 3
| Bsue Boutiques http://www.bsueboutiques.com Shop B'sue Boutiques for brass stampings, metal stampings, filigree, vintage beads, and jewelry findings. |
PR: 1
| Bead Crazy http://www.beadcrazy.co.uk Bead Crazy are bead suppliers based in Scotland providing bead supplies and accessories. |
PR: 2
| Decopatch Paper http://www.thedecopatchplace.co.uk Leading online Decopatch shop, for Decopatch paper, glue, designs and ideas. Decopatch is a modern form of decoupage and is a fun and easy way to craft. We sell Decopatch paper, glue and kits and can host parties and events. |
PR: 1
| Scrapbooking http://www.scrapbookingnut.com/ Free scrapbooking online! Conserve all your memories through fun and creative method, finest scrapbooking ideas. |
PR: 4
| Tiffany Studios http://www.ophirgallery.com Ophir Gallery specialize in 1890-1920 Tiffany Studios, Tiffany Favrile and related Art Nouveau objects. Appraisers Association of America. |
PR: 3
| Scrapbooking http://www.scrapyourtrip.com Scrapbook supplies for any vacation or travel related topic including Disney scrapbooking, sports scapbooking, cruise scrapbooking, wedding scrapbooking, military scrapbooking and much more. |
PR: 4
| Knitting for Charity http://www.knit-a-square.com Knit-a-Square has been set up to request the knitters of the world to send an 8 x 8" (20 x 20cm) square or more to specified charities in South Africa and soon Zimbabwe, to be made up into blankets for abandoned children and AIDS orphans. |
PR: 3
| Remington Sculpture http://www.wholesalesculptures.com/ Wholesale sculptures has lifesize and tabletop Remington sculptures. |